1- Sadly, nowadays it is inevitable because, as long as the capital system persists, there will always exist countriess with more benefits than the developing ones. Therefore, in a capital world like this one, it isn´t so odd to see how the the “poor” or the ones with less advantage have to pick the things that the super-powers leave behind or consider useless, always referring in an economic way.
2- The factors previously mentioned should have more relevance and importance in international relations since they would improve lives´s qualities and conditions and make the society better and fair.
3- In my opinion, this tendency of consuming more than what we need, should stop, especially knowing that the ones working on that object are gaining less than they should and deserve. It also needs to disappear the gap between the super-powers and the developing ones, not only because it is clearly unfair, but also because the poor ones are the ones who suffer all this.
Link: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-10-559_en.htm?locale=en
What do Europeans say…
…about the benefits of trade?
Two-thirds of Europeans (65%) think that the EU has benefited a lot from international trade. As for their individual experience, more people think that they are personally benefiting from trade today than disagree.
… about the impact of trade in daily life?
Half of Europeans are aware of the origin of the products and services they purchase. This awareness is higher for some items (62% for food) than for others (44% for high-tech services such as a mobile phone provider)
… about the EU's role in trade and future challenges?
A relative majority of Europeans thought that the EU was the biggest world player in international trade. Nearly two thirds of respondents thought that European products and services can compete well with those from outside the EU.
... about the future priorities for EU trade policy?
More than six in ten Europeans on average believe that the priority for future EU trade policy should be to create employment (61%).
Link: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-wildcatters-economists-public-opinion-and-international_us_5798e27ce4b0e339c24003cb
Public opinion is decidedly more negative when it comes to existing trade agreements, with the public believing that, too often, the U.S. loses more than it gains.
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