viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Diary Entry

In L/L writing´s class, we had to write a diary entry based on the poem that we read  "From my grandmother kniting", by Liz Lochhead.

Dear Diary:

I dont know what I´m doing with this. Am I suppose to write in here? Well, I only do this because my daughter wanted me to do this. This is so frustrating. My hands are too old for this. I can´t even write here without feeling pain! But, I have to make my daughter happy. So, I will start...Today was a boring and normal day, at least, for me. Today my family forgot to come here and visit me, but it´s okay. Tomorrow they will come here. In fact, it was good because I had time to knit! My family is going to be very happy! They love my gifts, although they tell me they dont want more, but in the end I know they love them, I suppose. The kniting is the only thing that makes me useful, if I don´t have my needles, I would be very sad and all my life, now, would be useless. I miss the times when I  was younger, all the days that I went fishing...Oh, those were happy times. Well, my hands are going  to explodei f I continue writing. Next time, I promise I´ll talk about how I feel when my family visits me or not.


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