miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

The Hurricane Allen: The power of destruction

The disaster started on July 31, 1980. Everything happened in a small town in Texas that soon became a ghost town and also was  destroyed by a terrible hurrican. The catastrophe took 7 lives and many houses,that wich cost 100 million dollars in repairs. Many people had to leave their homes and even their families for fear they had about of the hurricane. It was a day of disaster and suffering experienced by many people. We were lucky to be able to ask some questions to Amanda Hithock , a Texa's inhabitant.

-How did you recognized the hurricane was near you? What did you feel?

Well, I was cleaning the house when my dog started to bark strongly and minutes later, the floor began to tremble. I was very scared. when I went to get the dog inside I saw the biggest and terrible hurricane ever. My legs started to shake and I started to stammer  while I took  the dog and drove away from that horrible hurricane and my home. It was a horrible feeling that I wouldn't want to repeat.

- Were you near the hurricane?

Luckily, I was kilometers away from it, but I could see its big and cylindrical figure knocking everything in its way .

What happened when you were watching the catastrophe?

It pulled trees, cars and houses. And besides, it started raining uncontrollably and there were strong winds caused by the hurricane.

After that day, the town became a bleak town, like a hot desert. The hurricane exploded ( a non - identified device)  causing that the  fire consumed the houses quickly and ashes covered the most of the city as the sand covers the desert. The County police, firefighters and some volunteers helped to restore the town and although they could restored It, the town is not the same.

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