We all know how important water is for us, how essential it is to our human system. On Earth, most of the water comes from the ocean, where only 3% of it is fresh and ready to be consume. Nevertheless, water is badly distributed (mainly because of the climate and size of lands). Countries with plentiful fresh water supplies are called "Water rich countries", while the ones who dont have as much as they need are named "Water poor countries".
The last mentioned suffer not only of scarcity, result of not having a good quantaty of water or having it, but being unfit for human use, but also water stress, the worry over present and future water supplies. Not having acces to fresh water causes death, deseases and women having to walk miles to collect water far away from their houses.
Realising how a big deal is for some people in other parts of the world to have fresh water to give to their families, while we just can drink of our tap, is shoking and mainly unfair, cause all human beings, no matter their social classes, deserve water.